In Yogyakarta there is a culture that until now still continue to be preserved is Sekaten held to commemorate the birth of Muhammad SAW who was born on 12 months Maulud, the third month of the year of Java. Sekaten a preliminary ceremony of the birth anniversary of Muhammad SAW. Held on December 5 to December 12 of the same month. In addition to the Keraton Jogjakarta also held at the Keraton Surakarta.
Celebrations sekaten among others include "Sekaten Sepisan" namely dibunyikannya two sets of gamelan Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Nogowilogo, then giving alms `Ngarso Dalem Sri Sultan HB X` form `udhik-udhik` (spread money) and then a second appointment to the Great Mosque of Jogjakarta Gamelan and closed with Grebeg.

ORIGIN OF SEKATENSekaten words taken from the pronunciation of the phrase "Syahadat" "Creed". Terms Syahadat, which is pronounced as Syahadatain is then gradually changed in pronunciation, making it Syakatain and eventually became the term "Sekaten" until now.In the period beginning the development of Islam in Java, one of Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijogo ie, use Javanese Gamelan music instrument, as a means to lure the public to come to enjoy performances karawitannya. For that purpose use 2 devices gamelan, which has a tunable barrel Swara namely Kyai Kyai Nogowilogo and Gunturmadu.On 5 months Maulud, both devices gamelan, Kyai Kyai Guntur Nogowilogo and honey, are removed from storage dibangsal Sri Manganti, to ward Ponconiti located in North Kemandungan (Keben) and in the afternoon start was sounded in this place. Between 23.00 until 24.00 o'clock to two sets of gamelan is transferred view the first Great Mosque of Yogyakarta, in a convoy of courtiers row, accompanied by uniformed palace guard soldiers complete.
TOP EVENTSThe highlight of the celebration Sekaten is "Grebeg birthday", namely the release of a pair of mountains of the Great Mosque after prayers by the cleric Kingdom. People believe that anyone who gets these mountains, though few will blessed with happiness and prosperity. Then the cone was contested by thousands of citizens. They believe that by getting part of the cone will bring blessings to them.In general, Jogjakarta and surrounding communities to participate believes that celebrating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW was concerned would be rewarded reward from the Almighty, and was awarded the young. As "Srono" (terms), they have to chew betel nut in the Great Mosque pages, especially on the first day sekaten commencement celebration.Therefore, during the celebration held sekaten, many people selling betel with concoctions, along with savory rice dish in the yard-pauknya Kemandungan, in North Square and in front of the Great Mosque of Jogjakarta. For the farmers, on this occasion also pleaded for the coming crops successfully. To strengthen this determination, they gave the whip (whip) which brought home.

TRADITIONALWhile supporting crowd contains traditional folk art that accompanies traditional ceremonies such as traditional food vendors, traditional toys and traditional folk art. Then, for exhibition crowds of supporters who carried out the construction of local government and sectoral agencies and vertically, promotion marketing of goods of domestic production and increasing non-oil export goods as well as other crowds such as children's games, restaurants and souvenirs.For approximately one month before the ceremony begins Sekaten, Municipal Local Government, to enliven the celebration with a night market, which was held at the North Square of Jogjakarta. Through Sekaten as well as cultural events and religious events is at once iconic identity of Jogjakarta. And that it is appropriate that we maintain and develop our intrinsic values ​​as a legacy of the nation's cultural diversity.

People are very enthusiastic welcome Sekaten Yogyakarta. Everyone participating in this annual celebration. Sekaten also a pride for the people of Yogyakarta

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