1. Ketoprak

     Ketoprak is one kind of Indonesian food using a diamond is easy to find. Usuallydiamond sold using the stroller on the streets or on the sidewalk.
     Its main components are know, rice noodles, cucumber, bean sprouts and can also beequipped with hard-boiled eggs with peanut sauce, soy sauce, and a sprinkling of friedshallotsIt can also be served with crackers or chips extra melinjo. Some versions include soybean and others as components.

2. Gado-Gado

     Gado-gado is one food that came from Indonesia in the form of vegetables, boiled andblended into one, with a seasoning or sauce of crushed peanuts with sliced ​​egg andfried onions sprinkled on top. Slightly fried chips or crackers (there are also takingshrimp crackers) are also added.
     Gado-gado can eat just like like a salad with herbs / peanut sauce, but also can eatenwith rice or sometimes also served with rice cake.

3. Bandeng Presto

     Bandeng Presto is a typical Indonesian food from Semarang, Central Java. These foodsare made from milkfish (Chanos chanos) are seasoned with garlic, turmeric and salt.Fish are then cooked in banana leaf base in a way presto. Presto is a way of cookingwith high-pressure water vapor. Food cooked in this way is placed in a pot that can be locked securely. The water inside the pot is then heated to boiling. Water vapor thatarise will be cooking food inside these pots. Because the fish is known to have manythorns, bandeng     presto is a popular food for cooking by thorns presto it becomes verysoft.

4. Nasi Liwet 

    Nasi Liwet is the typical food of Indonesia, Solo. Nasi Liwet is tasty rice (cooked with coconut) like as nasi uduk, served with vegetables squash, shredded chicken (chicken meat cut into small pieces) and areh (a kind of savory puree of coconut).
     Solo ordinary townsfolk liwet eat rice every time from for breakfast, until dinner. Rice ordinary liwet peddled around with bamboo baskets to mothers who carry her everymorning or sold in the shop Lesbian (without seats). The most famous place for thesale of rice liwet (Lesehan stalls) are in the area Keprabon who only sell at night.

5. Gudeg

Gudeg is a traditional food from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia which is made from young Nangka (jack fruit) boiled for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk. Additional spices include garlic, shallot, candlenut, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves, the latter giving a brown color to the dish. It is also called Green Jack Fruit Sweet Stew. 
Gudeg is served with white rice, chicken, hard-boiled egg, tofu and/or tempeh, and a stew made of crispy beef skins (sambal goreng krecek). There are several types of gudeg; dry, wet, Yogyakarta style, Solo style and East-Javanese style. Dry gudeg has only a bit of coconut milk and thus has little sauce. Wet gudeg includes more coconut milk. The most common gudeg came from Yogyakarta, and usually sweeter, more dry and reddish in color because the addition of teak leaves. The Solo gudeg from the city of Surakarta is more watery and soupy with lots of coconut milk and whitish in color because teak leaves is absent. The East-Javanese style gudeg employs a spicier and hotter taste, compared to the Yogyakarta-style gudeg, which is sweeter. Gudeg is traditionally associated with Yogyakarta, and Yogyakarta often nicknamed as "Kota Gudeg" (city of gudeg).

6. Pecel
  Pecel is a traditional food from Madiun (East Java, Indonesia) made ​​of vegetable stew of spinach, bean sprouts, long beans, basil, leaves turi, Krai (a type of cucumber) or other vegetables are served with sauce doused pecel. The concept is similar to pecel dishsalad dishes from Europe. Both use fresh vegetables as main ingredients and usestoppings. The difference is, if a salad using mayonnaise as a topping, then use thesambal pecel pecel. While Pecel version meruapakan Lombok Lombok dibut typicalfood from watercress and bean sprouts and fresh tomato sauce and chili paste. This food is very well known in the community. The main ingredient of chilli pecel is peanuts and cayenne pepper mixed with other ingredients such as lime leaves, garlic,tamarind, brown sugar and salt. Pecel often served with fried tempeh, peanut brittlepeanut, dried shrimp peanut brittle, peanut brittle soy, or rice plates. Also pecel alsousually served with warm white rice plus chicken or jerohan. How can the presentation of the plate or in a folded banana leaves, called Pincuk. This dish is similar to thegado-gado, although there are differences in the materials used. Pecel spicy flavor thatcharacterizes the sting of this cuisine.

7. Rujak Cingur

      Rujak cingur is one of the traditional foods that are easily found in the area of ​​East Java, especially Surabaya region of origin. In the Javanese word "cingur" means"mouth", this refers to the mouth or snout slices of beef are boiled and mixed into thedish. Rojak cingur usually consists of several kinds of sliced ​​fruits such as cucumbers,Krai (a type of cucumber typical East Java), bengkoang, young mango, pineapple,and added kedondong lontong, tofu, tempeh, and cingur bendoyo and vegetablessuch as sprouts / bean sprouts , swamp cabbage and long beans. All the materialwas mixed with a sauce or condiment made ​​from processed shrimp paste, a littleboiled water to dilute, sugar / brown sugar, chili pepper, fried peanuts, fried onions,salt and bananas thinly sliced ​​green beans that are still young (bananas klutuk). All thesauces / seasonings mixed with diuleg way, that's why rujak cingur also often calledsalad uleg.
     In a presentation cingur salad can be divided into two kinds, namely the presentation of the 'normal' and 'matengan' (refer to the letter e in the word matengan such as calling the letter e in words like / call / bendoyo). Presentation of the 'normal', orgenerally, of all the materials mentioned above, while 'matengan' (mature, Java)consists of only cooked ingredients only; rice cake, fried tofu, fried tempeh, bendoyo(Krai is simmering) and vegetables (water spinach, long beans, bean sprouts) thathas been simmering. Without any material 'mentah'nya namely fruits, becausebasically there are people who do not like fruit. Both use the sauce / seasoning thesame.
     This food is called a salad cingur because the flavor of processed used is shrimp paste and sliced ​​cingur. This is what distinguishes the food salad in general areusually without the use of materials such cingur. Cingur salad served with extraordinary crackers, and with the base Pincuk (banana leaf) or a plate.

8. Lontong Balap

Lontong Balap: Special and Original's Food From Surabaya City.
Typical original Surabaya's food which is cooked from the rice cake, sprouts, fried tofu, Lento (made of soybean), soy sauce, fried onion and chili sauce. Lento is made from rice peanuts/Tholo with flour, afterwards it is added with galingale, the spring onion, rough-skinned citrus fruit and adequate salt. It is formed round resembled the croquette.
Lontong Balap is full of sprouts. Lontong Balap is not served well without Kerang Satay. Shellfish satay, ismade from the shellfish that is boiled and then it is served like satay, but without being roasted. Lontong Balap will be more delicious to eat if being added with hot soy sauce and chili sauce.

More info visit: www.eastjava.com

9. Tahu Campur

     Tahu campur is one of the East Javanese food. Tahu campur made of chewybeef, fried tofu, meatball cassava, fresh bean sprouts, fresh watercress, yellow noodlesand prawn crackers. All this is then mixed with spice paste, fried onion and chili sauce.This dish is sold in sidewalk stalls with the label "Tahu Campur Lamongan. "

10. Soto Banjar

     Soto Banjar is a typical ethnic soto Banjar, South Kalimantan, with the main ingredientof chicken and aromatic spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Soto containsshredded chicken meat-suwir, with additional meatball or boiled potatoes, boiledeggs, and diamond.
     Like chicken soup, seasoning Soto Banjar of red onion, garlic and pepper, but do notwear saffron. Seasoning sauteed first with a little cooking oil or samin oil until fragrantbefore inserting it into boiling chicken broth. Spices will be appointed so as not to go into the bowl when served.

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