Ngaben Bali CeremonyThere are several opinions about the origin Ngaben said. Some say Ngaben from word which means stock Beya, there are also who said the word ngabu (ashes), etc..
In Hinduism it is believed that Brahma the creator god as well as also is t
Ceremony Ngaben or sometimes called Pelebon ceremony to the person who died, is considered very important, lively and vibrant, because with pengabenan the family can deliver the souls of people who died from his worldly ties to heaven, or transformed back into the world through rienkarnasi. Because of this ceremony requires effort, cost and time length and large, this is often done so long after death.
To bear the burden of cost, labor and others, now people often do pengabenan mass / together. The bodies of the deceased are often buried before they cost enough, but for some families who are able Ngaben ceremony can be performed as soon as possible by keeping the bodies of people who have died at home, while waiting for a good time. During the period of storage in the house, the spirits of the deceased became restless and always want freedom.
Good day usually given by the clergy after the consultation and the existing calendar. Preparation is usually taken away well before the day specified. At this point the family prepare "Bade and ox" made of bamboo, wood, paper of various colors in accordance with the socio-economic class or status of the family concerned.Ngaben Bali CeremonyNgaben procession ceremony performed with a variety of processes and tools such upakara sajen and completeness as symbols as well as oft-performed other rituals of Hindus in Bali. Ngaben done to humans who died and still no body, also a distinguished man dies there is no dead body was swept away like the sea and ill bodies are discovered the plane crash which his body was burned, or such as the Bali bombing case 1 where some of the bodies unrecognizable because it was cut into pieces or so of ash from the explosion.
For a distinguished body procession Ngaben nothing is done by making the symbol and take the fistful of land in the location's death and then burned. Many distinguished stage done in Ngaben. Starting from bathing the corpse, ngajum, arson and nyekah. Each stage uses a means of offerings (offerings) that is different. When there is deceased, his family will be facing the priest to ask when there is a good day to carry out Ngaben. Usually the reply will be given time no more than 7 days from the day of death.
Having obtained the day (burning the bodies), then the family will spend the first ritual that is nyiramin layon (bathing the corpse.) The body will be bathed by the Brahmins as a distinguished group because of their social status has an obligation to do so. Finished bathing, the body will be charged the full Balinese traditional clothes. Next is a procession ngajum, the procession of releasing the spirit by making simbol2 using pictorial cloth unsur2 cleansing spirit.Ngaben Bali CeremonyOn the day of his, carried in procession Ngaben local village cemetery. The remains will be taken using a container, where the bodies which will be carried to the grave. The container usually shaped as a lotus symbol of God's house. Until dikuburan, the corpse was removed from the container into pemalungan, the place burned the bodies which are made from banana tree trunks stacked form of oxen.
Here again conducted a purification ceremony spirit pralina by pastor or people who are considered capable for it (usually from the Brahmin clan.) Pralinaadalah burning fire with an abstract form of the mantra smelting impurities inherent atma body. Then performed using a fire burning with concrete. Nowadays not use firewood anymore, but use of fire from kerosene stoves that use wind.
Generally, the combustion process of a distinguished intact corpse to ashes takes 1 hour. Ash is then collected in ivory coconuts to assembled into sekah. This Sekah who floated out to sea, because the sea is a symbol of the universe and at the same door into the house of God. So in brief series Ngaben procession in Bali. There is another note that is for babies who are under 42 days and whether or not the date of the teeth, his remains should be buried. Ngabennya carried out following the Ngaben that will exist if there is family died.
Who's rebirth of the deceased spirit world is closely related to karma and deeds and behavior during the previous life. In general, the Balinese feel that the spirit that was born again into the world only within the family circle who have blood relations with him. The circle of life and death for people of Bali is due to its relationship with the ancestors.
Everyone knows that in a moment later she would become the ancestors too, who in his journey in another world must be accelerated and gain enough attention if at any time later again transformed into the beloved island, Bali. Ngaben is a purification ceremony atma (spirit) as the first phase of Balinese Hindu sacred obligation to their ancestors by burning the corpse procession. As I wrote in the article about Yadnya Pitra, the human body consists of rough body, subtle body and the karma. Rough human body is formed from 5 distinguished elements called Panca Maha Bhuta ie earth (solid), Apah (liquid), Teja (hot substance) wind (wind) and akasa (space). The fifth element is fused to form human physical and mobilized by the atma (spirit). When people die who die are just rough body, not his atma. Well Ngaben is the process of sanctification atma / soul as it leaves the body rough.
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