Yogyakarta Special Region (or Jogja, Yogya, Jogjakarta, Jogjakarta and often abbreviated DIY) is a province of Indonesia which is located in the southern part of Java Island and bordering Central Java province in the north. Geographically located on the island of Java, Yogyakarta, Central part
Yogyakarta is famous for Javanese culture. Because the province is form of the kingdom, headed by a king. Yogyakarta people call him "The Sultan. " Javanese tradition here is still frequently used by the community. Often carried out in their big celebration, like Sekaten, Grebek Large, Javanese Wedding Ceremony, and others. That which makes it interesting. Many domestic and foreign tourists come each yea
Here you can learn about the culture of Java. Eating a delicious culinary, learn a new gesture, witnessed the arts such as puppets, traditional dance, or listen to music from a typical Javanese instruments. Yogyakarta is also famous for its batik. Original Batik Indonesia not from another country.
Not far from Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta province, you can visit the famous Borobudur temple. Temple had become one of the seven wonders of the world is only about 40 km from Yogyakarta. This temple was founded by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism around the year 800 AD during the reign of the dynasty dynasty. In the ethnic Chinese, this temple is also called 婆罗 浮屠 (Hanyu Pinyin: po luo fu tu) in Mandarin. Borobudur is very beautiful.There is another temple in Yogyakarta, it is Roro Jonggrang Tample is also beautiful. Rara Jonggrang Tample or Lara Jonggrang  located in the Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. This temple was built in around the year 850 AD by one of these two, namely: Rakai Pikatan, the second king of Mataram dynasty I or Balitung Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya dynasty. Not long after the construction, the temple was abandoned and crumbling. You can enjoy the uniqueness of the building and reliefs carved on the walls.

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